Well, the boys did a bit of work today. Enough to keep us happy, at least.
They pulled out the wall between the kitchen and bathroom, and most of the wall on the west side of the bathroom. The wall between the dining room and basement stair was removed and a stud was nailed across the opening to help maintain some structural qualities of the existing north and south walls, but probably more so to keep anyone from falling down the open stairwell.
What's interesting about the location of this stud is that it represents the height of the wall that will go back in it's place. We are proposing a half height wall between the stairs and the dining room, with the landing for the stairs on the opposite side they are now. In essence, we'll have a U-Shaped kitchen which will be closed on 3 sides, and the stairs will be accessed from the dining room (where the pantry used to be) and will descend towards the south.
Those are just a couple of changes we are planning to make. But we can't give away all the details too early, or there won't be any suprises for you all in the upcoming months!
Oh, and one more thing. The door that is currently located in the stairwell (about 3 0r 4 treads down) will definitely be going away. The new access will be located on the north wall of the stairwell, to open directly on to our back patio.
Are these pictures taken with your crappy camera? They look good. Maybe cleaning the thumbprint off the lens helped!:)
I like the look of the half height wall already! Makes the room look bigger.
Ughhh...Yes it was taken with the Sony. I still don't like it. It takes decent pics in good lighting, but forget about it if the conditions are less than bright.
I guess you'll just have to keep "skylights" in your house. :)
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